
YukiReflection is a Reflection API based on the Java and Android platform.


This is a set of simple and efficient Reflection API rebuilt based on Java native Reflection API using Kotlin.

YukiReflection is also the core functionality that YukiHookAPIopen in new window is using.

The name is taken from "ももくり" heroine Yuki Kuriharaopen in new window.


YukiReflection is fully built with Kotlin lambda syntax.

It can replace Java's native Reflection APIopen in new window and implement a more complete reflection solution in a more human-friendly language.

Language Requirement

Please use Kotlin, the code composition of the API part is also compatible with Java, but the implementation of the basic reflection scene may not be used at all.

All Demo sample codes in the document will be described using Kotlin, if you don’t know how to use Kotlin at all, you may not be able to use YukiReflection.

Source of Inspiration

YukiReflection was originally the core function integrated in the YukiHookAPIopen in new window project, and now it is decoupled so that this Reflection API can be used in any Java and Android platform project.

Now, we only need to write a small amount of code to implement a simple reflection call.

With Kotlin elegant lambda and YukiReflection, you can make your reflection logic more beautiful and clear.

The following example

    .method {
        name = "get"
        param(StringClass, StringClass)
    }.get().call("", "none")
    .apply { isAccessible = true }
    .invoke(null, "", "none")