Looking for Future

The future is bright and uncertain, let us look forward to the future development space of YukiReflection.

Future Plans

Features that YukiReflection may add later are included here.

Automatically Generate Reflection Code

Use stub to create a Kotlin class, and declare the parameters in it, as well as its different states in each version.

For example, the Java class below is the target class we need to reflect.

The following example

package com.example.test;

public class MyClass {
    private String myField = "test";

    public MyClass() {

    private String myMethod1(String var1, int var2) {

    private void myMethod2() {

    private void myMethod3(String var1) {

Through the existing usage of the current API, this class can be called reflectively in the following way.

The following example

classOf<MyClass>().buildOf().current {
    // Call myField
    val value = field { name = "myField" }.string()
    // Call myMethod1
    val methodValue = method { name = "myMethod1" }.string("test", 0)
    // Call myMethod2
    method { name = "myMethod2" }.call()
    // Call myMethod3
    method { name = "myMethod3" }.call("test")

The function to be implemented at present can be directly defined as the following Kotlin class using the reflection function.

The following example

package com.example.test

class MyClass {

    val myField: String = fieldValueOf("none")

    fun myMethod1(var1: String, var2: Int): String = methodReturnValueOf("none")

    fun myMethod2() = MethodReturnType.Unit

    fun myMethod3(var1: String) = MethodReturnType.Unit

Then we can directly call this defined Kotlin class to implement the reflection function, and the API will automatically generate the reflection code according to the annotation.

The following example

MyClass().also {
    // Call myField
    val value = it.myField
    // Call myMethod1
    val methodValue = it.myMethod1("test", 0)
    // Call myMethod2
    // Call myMethod3


The above functions may change after the actual release, and the functions of the actual version shall prevail.

Automatically Generate Directly Called Class Objects

In Kotlin, the way to represent Java class objects is YourObject::class.java.

This writing method is usually very long and will be very unsightly when used extensively during reflection.

In the existing version, we have built-in commonly used Class objects, but this will increase the size of dependencies, and these objects may not be used in most cases.

For example, StringClass, IntType, etc., these objects are built in YukiReflection.

So we plan to add a function in the future, which can use properties to create a list of Class objects that need to be generated, and generate these Class objects in sequence through the Gradle plugin.

Class objects of primitive types such as those mentioned above will still be built into YukiReflection, and the remaining Class objects need to be defined by yourself.

The generated name specification is Class Name + Class.

In order to prevent package name conflicts, you can control the sub-package name of the generated Class object.

In the configuration file, you don't need to add Class as a suffix.

You can define the generated root package name in the Gradle plugin, which defaults to com.highcapable.yukireflection.generated.classes.

The following example

# The most basic way to define is to write the name directly
# Will be generated to com.highcapable.yukireflection.generated.classes.BundleClass
# You can use the "." form in front to define the prefixed subpackage name
# For example, we want to define this class to the desired package name
# Will be generated to com.highcapable.yukireflection.generated.classes.myandroid.myos.BundleClass
# You can also not fill in the key value content, which will use the key value name
# as the defined package name and class name
# Will be generated to com.highcapable.yukireflection.generated.classes.android.os.BundleClass

The approximate code form of the Class object generated by the above method is as follows.

package com.highcapable.yukireflection.generated.classes.android.os

// Used with default ClassLoader
val BundleClass: Class<*> = "android.os.Bundle".toClass()

// Used when ClassLoader is specified
fun BundleClass(loader: ClassLoader): Class<*> = "android.os.Bundle".toClass(loader)

Maybe this Class may not be obtained in some cases.

In this case, you can refer to the following configuration method.

The following example

# Add "?" after the key value to define a nullable Class object

The approximate code form of the Class object generated by the above method is as follows.

package com.highcapable.yukireflection.generated.classes.android.os

// Used with default ClassLoader
val BundleClass: Class<*>? = "android.os.Bundle".toClassOrNull()

// Used when ClassLoader is specified
fun BundleClass(loader: ClassLoader): Class<*>? = "android.os.Bundle".toClassOrNull(loader)

If this Class object can be referenced by direct call, you can refer to the following configuration method at this time.

The following example

# Add "!!" after the key value to define a Class object that can be called directly

The approximate code form of the Class object generated by the above method is as follows.

package com.highcapable.yukireflection.generated.classes.android.os

import android.os.Bundle

// Used with default ClassLoader
val BundleClass: Class<Bundle> = classOf<Bundle>()

// Used when ClassLoader is specified
fun BundleClass(loader: ClassLoader): Class<Bundle> = classOf<Bundle>(loader)

With the generated Class object, we can happily use YukiReflection for reflection.

The following example

method {
    name = "onCreate"


The above functions may change after the actual release, and the functions of the actual version shall prevail.