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CurrentClass - class

class CurrentClass internal constructor(private val classSet: Class<*>, internal val instance: Any)

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


name - field

val name: String

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate

获得当前 classSetClass.getName

simpleName - field

val simpleName: String

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate

获得当前 classSetClass.getSimpleName

generic - method

fun generic(): GenericClass?

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


如果当前实例不存在泛型将返回 null

generic - method

inline fun generic(initiate: GenericClass.() -> Unit): GenericClass?

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


如果当前实例不存在泛型将返回 null

superClass - method

fun superClass(): SuperClass

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


field - method

inline fun field(initiate: FieldConditions): FieldFinder.Result.Instance

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


method - method

inline fun method(initiate: MethodConditions): MethodFinder.Result.Instance

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


SuperClass - class

inner class SuperClass internal constructor(private val superClassSet: Class<*>)

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


name - field

val name: String

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate

获得当前 classSet 中父类的 Class.getName

simpleName - field

val simpleName: String

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate

获得当前 classSet 中父类的 Class.getSimpleName

generic - method

fun generic(): GenericClass?

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


如果当前实例不存在泛型将返回 null

generic - method

inline fun generic(initiate: GenericClass.() -> Unit): GenericClass?

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


如果当前实例不存在泛型将返回 null

field - method

inline fun field(initiate: FieldConditions): FieldFinder.Result.Instance

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate


method - method

inline fun method(initiate: MethodConditions): MethodFinder.Result.Instance

Change Records

v1.0.0 first

Function Illustrate
