Migrate from Other Hook APIs

This document can help you quickly migrate from the Hook APIs you are familiar with to YukiHookAPI to become familiar with the related writing methods of YukiHookAPI.

Rovo89 Xposed API

If you are familiar with Rovo89 Xposed APIopen in new window, you can refer to the same point below to quickly migrate your API to YukiHookAPI.

Migrate Hook Entry Point

Migrated from XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam to PackageParam.

YukiHookAPI implements the lambda method body this usage for PackageParam, and the PackageParam object can be obtained globally in the encase method body.

The API function differences are compared as follows

override fun onHook() = encase {
    // Get the package name of the current Hook
    // Get the ApplicationInfo of the current Hook
    // Get the system context object
    // Get the host Application lifecycle
    // Hook specified app
    loadApp(name = "com.demo.test") {
        // Member Hook
            .method {
                name = "test"
            }.hook {
                after {
                    // ...
        // Resources Hook (fixed usage)
        resources().hook {
            injectResource {
                conditions {
                    name = "ic_launcher"
private lateinit var moduleResources: XModuleResources

override fun initZygote(sparam: IXposedHookZygoteInit.StartupParam) {
    moduleResources = XModuleResources.createInstance(sparam.modulePath, null)

override fun handleLoadPackage(lpparam: XC_LoadPackage.LoadPackageParam) {
    // Get the package name of the current Hook
    // Get the ApplicationInfo of the current Hook
    // Get the system context object
    // There is no ready-made calling method in the Rovo89 Xposed API, you need to reflect ActivityThread to achieve it
    // Get the host Application lifecycle
    // Class Hook
    if(lpparam.packageName == "com.demo.test")
            "com.demo.test.TestClass", lpparam.classLoader,
            "test", Boolean::class.java,
            object : XC_MethodHook() {
                override fun afterHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam) {
                    // ...

override fun handleInitPackageResources(resparam: XC_InitPackageResources.InitPackageResourcesParam) {
    // Get the package name of the current Hook
    // Resources Hook
        "com.demo.test", "mipmap", "ic_launcher",

Migrate Hook Method Body

Migrated from XC_MethodHook.MethodHookParam to HookParam.

Before/After Hook

YukiHookAPI also implements the lambda method body this usage for HookParam, and the HookParam object can be obtained globally in the method bodies such as before and after.

The API function differences are compared as follows

after {
    // Get the current Hook instance
    // Get the Class instance of the current Hook
    // Get and cast the current Hook instance to the specified type T
    // Get the method parameter array
    // Get the first T of the method parameter
    // Get the last bit of the method parameter T
    // Get any subscript T of the method parameter, here is an example of 2
    args(index = 2).cast<T>()
    // Set any subscript of the method parameter, here is an example of 2
    args(index = 2).set(...)
    // Get the return value
    // Get the return value and cast to T
    // Modify the content of the return value
    result = ...
    // Remove the content of the return value
    // Get the data storage instance within the scope of the current callback method body
    // Throw an exception to the Hook app
    // Execute the original method without hook and call with the original method parameters, generics can be omitted
    // Execute the original method without Hook and customize the method parameter call, the generic type can be omitted
override fun afterHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam) {
    // Get the current Hook instance
    // Get the Class instance of the current Hook
    // Get and cast the current Hook instance to the specified type T
    param.thisObject as T
    // Get the method parameter array
    // Get the first T of the method parameter
    param.args[0] as T
    // Get the last bit of the method parameter T
    param.args[param.args.lastIndex] as T
    // Get any subscript T of the method parameter, here is an example of 2
    param.args[2] as T
    // Set any subscript of the method parameter, here is an example of 2
    param.args[2] = ...
    // Get the return value
    // Get the return value and cast to T
    param.result as T
    // Modify the content of the return value
    param.result = ...
    // Remove the content of the return value
    param.result = null
    // Get the data storage instance within the scope of the current callback method body
    // Throw an exception to the Hook app
    param.throwable = Throwable("Fatal")
    // Execute the original method without hooking
    XposedBridge.invokeOriginalMethod(param.method, param.thisObject, ...)

Replace Hook

The replaceHook method is special, and the YukiHookAPI makes a variety of forms for it to choose from.

The API function differences are compared as follows

/// A method with no return value void

replaceUnit {
    // Implement the replaced logic directly here

/// A method with a return value

replaceAny {
    // Implement the replaced logic here
    // ...
    // Need to return the return value corresponding to the method, no need to write return, just put the parameter in the last digit
    // Assuming the return value of this method is an Int, we just need to ensure that the last bit is the return value we need

/// For some methods, we just need to replace their return value, then there are the following implementations
/// It should be noted that the parameters passed in by the method of directly replacing the return value are fixed. If you want to dynamically replace the return value, please use the above replaceAny method body

// Replace with the return value you need
// Replace with return value of type Boolean
// Intercept return value
/// A method with no return value void

override fun replaceHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam): Any? {
    // Implement the replaced logic directly here
    return null

/// A method with a return value

override fun replaceHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam): Int {
    // Implement the replaced logic here
    // ...
    // Assume the return value of this method is an Int
    return 0

/// For some methods, we just need to replace their return value, then there are the following implementations

// Replace with the return value you need
override fun replaceHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam) = ...
// Replace with return value of type Boolean
override fun replaceHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam) = true
// Intercept return value
override fun replaceHookedMethod(param: MethodHookParam) = null

Notes on Migrating XposedHelpers

The reflection functionality provided in YukiHookAPI differs from the reflection functionality of XposedHelpers.

Here is a guide to avoid common pitfalls.

Methods like XposedHelpers.callMethod and XposedHelpers.callStaticMethod automatically search and invoke all public methods (including those in superclasses), which is a feature of native Java reflection. In contrast, the reflection solution provided by YukiHookAPI first searches and then calls, and by default, the search process does not automatically look for methods in superclasses.

For example, class A inherits from B, and B has a public method test, while A does not.

public class B {
    public void test(String a) {
        // ...

public class A extends B {
    // ...

Usage with XposedHelpers.

val instance: A = ...
XposedHelpers.callMethod(instance, "test", "some string")

Usage with YukiHookAPI.

val instance: A = ...
instance.current().method {
    name = "test"
    // Note that you need to add this search condition to ensure it searches for methods in superclasses.
}.call("some string")
// Or directly call the superClass() method.
instance.current().superClass()?.method {
    name = "test"
}?.call("some string")

YukiHookAPI is a brand new Hook API, which is fundamentally different from other Hook APIs, you can refer to API Document and Special Features to determine some functional Migration and use.